Through my time being a Wedding Photographer there are a few tips and tricks I would recommend when planning your big day. These are just a few of a running list of things I would recommend help you. Let’s dive in!
1.) Start a WEDDING EMAIL!
– You don’t want anything to go in junk that wasn’t supposed to! This helps so much with organizing when you have one central location for both parties to have access to! Not to mention you and your loved one moving forward can share that email for anything the 2 of you!
2.) Hire a Coordinator!!!!
– If not a coordinator I would delegate a family friend or family member that will be the boss and help the day go smoothly! It’s always nice to have someone there that is kind of the boss in case there’s a hiccup in the day! This is probably one of the biggest most important things to consider for your wedding. The photographer can only do so much and you don’t want to have to deal with inconveniences during your day and neither should your bridal party! Having someone be able to help and direct people is going to make everything go so much smoother!
3.) Transparency to your vendors!
– If you have no idea what the heck to do next, TALK TO YOUR VENDORS!!! We do this for a living and the more open and honest you are the more we will be able to help you !! If you know what you want tell us if you have no idea also tell us! We can recommend and research so you don’t have to!!
– All the love
Hailey High